Le Roi Soleil ☀太陽の王

Dear g'nomads,

My son was born on 17 September!

Days are crazy at the moment, I feel jet lag all the time due to heavy fathering...but comparing to role of the mother, its almost nothing...
Makes me think of how much my mom invested on me:-) 
Love and thanks mama!

We named the baby after "Le Roi Soleil" aka "The sun god", 
you can guess or google now what name that is?
Perfect for a nature loving g'nomads, huh?
He could be the messiah who would stand up and fight for our beautiful planet:-D

It means fortress and also the name of a guardian in the orient. 
A guardian angel who protect and guide the weaks and the justices.

The sun is the center of all eco-syetem on this planet no doubt, well there's a name for that -> the solar system.
Not a thing, almost, can live or exist with out it.
You won't see a thing without it.
Or even, the darkness seems like nothing to do with the sun,
but the definition of darkness does not exist without a light. Ah!

Funny how "Son" sounds the same as the sun?
Not a coincidence I believe.
The son born from the god is the sun, all religion is centered by it!
It's the worship of this great symbol and sign of how much we appreciate of it.
Religions are the story of the heaven, universe and love.
In ancient time, the astrologer predicts the season and events by reading the constellation. The people who knew could earn the trust of general public. 

And the most important day of the week for you?
Yes, Sun-day!

Lets remind ourselves on this day to appreciate the miracle that we are here.

...BTW, 17th September was not Sunday but Wednesday, the Mercury...the due date was 21st Sunday...

Adult education ☀ 生教育

Dear Nomads,

I am expecting a baby next month and so excited!
Huge life style change is to be expected.
After birth, I would probably see things differently and my point of view might change.

But one things I can say becoming a dad, or "Papa" haven't figured out how I want to be called.., will only make my eyes stern to the environment of my new born and us more than ever!

Above all, a child will teach us couple to become a better parent.

As a result of reading very interesting manuals:-p of baby and pregnancy, I'm convinced how nature experience would make child a greater man!

I have raised my concern before on luck of nature in modern urban life and this will continue to be my concern. I say this as I was practically raised by a dog when i was a little, Hi! Des(short for Destiny), eating her food and digging worms in a back yard.

I'll have to make sure to take my kid out in to the wild whenever possible.

Here is how children can learn from nature experience.
Should help develop abilities as imagination, thinking power, problem solving, responsibility and learn about what god might be by knowing you are part of it.
Imagine the effect!

Animals / Bugs : Touch it, Study it and Look after it.

Dirt: Dig it, Build up, Find what's under and Roll in a mud.

Fire: Light it, Stare it, Maintain it and Cook on it.

Plants: Smell it, Taste it, Look at the colors, Grow it and Feel the season.

Rocks: Feel it, Compare it, Feel it and Throw it(safely).

Stars: Gaze up, Look for it, Imagine, Romance and Feel the universe.

Trees: Climb it, Look at it and Feel it.

Water: Bath it, Swim in it, Listen to it, Surf it and Drink it.

Air & Wind: Smell it, be Blown by it and breathe it.

Sun: Bath get toasted, Feel the warmth and Appreciate it.

Reminds me,
My favorite read from childhood, Issac Asimov said "fire" was the best invention in human history. Here's how it changed our life...
  • Active in dark
  • Hygienic food(by cooking)
  • Improve security(keep us safe from animals)
  • Keep us warm
  • Travel longer distance(by cooking food)
  • Stock food
  • Survive winter
  • Less hunting more extra time to do something else
  • Becoming gourmet
  • My favorite of all, it longer our nights to think

Nature has so many to offer and we have to do our best to handover our planet beautifully to future generation.

See you soon my junior!

Abyssal cry 〜竜宮の使い〜

Dear nomads,

Another sign from the planet,
the creatures who usually stay under very deep sea, who almost never been seen before in our time are starting to emerge...

The giant squid and the Oarfish we thought existed only in a story or a myth.
Not just founded dead but caught alive even!

Can't help myself but to worry what the hell is going on?

There's a rumor that the sea is starting to absorb the heat from the global warming...

Sea takes time to heat up, when you consider the summer solstice is a couple month before the peak of summer, means that's how much it takes for the whole planet to warm up.

Ever since the global warming has been pointed out couple decades ago, it has mainly been about the temperature on the land & air. It now seem the heat got to the sea and even to the deepest level... 

Some thinks the global warming is over because the land temperature seemed to stabilized. Not quite, it reached the sea and this is probably our final defense. Our mother sea is taking the heat!

When the sea warms up, consequently the direction of tide changes then wind changes and it effects the climate + season at every point of the planet. The local ecosystem you know today might be forced to re-system. Your habit will be different and your tradition reform.
El Nino, La Nina, The huge hurricanes + typhoons , record breaking snow falls, floods or droughts are start of it. Very challenging stage for all living things.

These legendary abyssal fishes are the planet's cry of pain. A messenger.
We might not be here to receive the last will because we are the first to go if there's a major changes in our biosphere...

At this point I should say it's not to save our planet,
but to save ourselves, as the earth will stay and reboot with or without us.

Not just theories but action is required!
Each and everyone's stronger cooperation is essential from this stage. 

If you want to save yourself...(be selfish for once)

Magic of shoppers *買い物の魔法*

Hey nomads,

Before, I've spoken about purchasing is like voting. 
Chose wisely what you buy and HOW you buy.  

What if it effects your job?

There's a finding that if you don't want to loose your job, 
you should shop more locally. Yap the typical papa & mama shops in your neighborhood.
Because if you spend it in a places like this, your money will at the end comes around back to you.

By saving a local small shops, 
you eventually save quality products that's made by small manufactures, foods that are made by homemade cooks, plants and crops produced with care by small farmers locally. And people around and between.

The reality is, these small shops cannot compete with huge corporations, i.e. supermarkets, megamarkets and web stores. Never with choice of product range and low prices.

Yes, it might sounds like it cost bit more... 

But the priority of the corporations, who runs supermarkets or mega stores, would be to profit of their own organization and the shareholders and NOT the consumers(you) or emplyees(you)...
The money they make goes to up there and don't comeback to you...unless you are handful of people who are shareholders up there. 
If corporations are directly or indirectly has foreign banks or investors as shareholders, your money might not even stay in your country.

If the few corporation becomes dominant, you will actually have less power because the control is not in your eco system any more. With slashing price to suppliers, small manufactures and workers suffering with small return. 

In order to keep the cost down, to make more money, the quality craftsmanship and the caring process are sacrificed. That means skilled hard working employees with passion are wasted...

It sounds terrible when you hear about people chopping down remaining Amazon forest or trawl fishing to scrape everything in the sea, 
but these poor local people at the front can't have bigger picture as they have to live today. We, especially at the wealthier global citizen, have to mind the impact of our consumption power=voting power.

'Fair trade' movement is a solution to global corporation. I like the idea of 'Fair trade' I want to see more of this then just a coffee!
Similar idea, you shop locally and this should naturally protect your locals, as prosumers.

Next time you want to drink a wine, try to find a small local liqueur shop around you and choose a fine local wine close to the region. Select the one which are made with love and care, not the one we all know.

You have the power!

Unspoken danger of whaling [捕鯨の陰謀]

Dear nomads,

Here's a message from a nomad in Italy, 
Emilia, who cry for help to save the dolphins in Japan.
She also alerts to help Japanese from an unspoken danger related to this...

Japan owes world an explanation on this issue, and it better be really good.
When it comes to communication, Japanese are bit shy but this got to change become a global citizen.

Here's Emilia!

The little town with a really big secret

Each year from September to May over 20,000 dolphins are slaughtered in Japan. Fishermen round them up by the hundreds using sound barriers to disorient and herd the frantic pods out of their normal migrations into hidden lagoons like the one featured in The Cove <http://www.thecovemovie.com/> .

Bottlenose dolphins, especially ones that look like Flipper, are pre-selected by trainers and sold off for upwards of $200,000 to marine mammal parks around the world, where they will remain in captivity performing as circus acts. 

After the trainers and spectators have left, the rest of the dolphins are inhumanely killed in what can only be described as a massacre.

The butchered dolphins are later used for food, but the Japanese government has intentionally sheltered people from the dangers of eating them. Consumers of dolphin meat run the risk of mercury poisoning due to high levels of the toxin within the animals. 

Adding to the danger, much of the pricier whale meat they purchase is actually mislabeled toxic dolphin meat. While the Japanese government defends dolphin hunting as part of cultural heritage, this tradition has serious health effects on people.

The more lucrative captive dolphin industry is the driving economic force behind the dolphin slaughter in Taiji. 

In the U.S. alone, dolphinariums represent an $8.4 billion industry, while a dead dolphin fetches a mere $600. International law provides no protections against the killing of dolphins, and other slaughters occur in places outside of Japan. 

The International Whaling Commission <http://iwcoffice.org>  (IWC) affords no protections for 71 (out of 80, known) cetacean species, including all dolphins and porpoises, which is why Japan and other countries can legally kill them by the tens of thousands. 

The Japanese people have been intentionally sheltered from the slaughter, and the large majority are still unaware that much of the meat they purchase is actually mislabeled dolphin meat.

I think people have to know and decide if they want to be part of this slaughter, support this industry and suffer from illness OR do justice.

Why people can suffer from eating dolphins/whales ?   

Watch the video " the hard truths of mercury poisoning" on : http://www.thecovemovie.com/
if you don't agree you can sign the petition to help Save Japan's dolphins.

And save yourself too...


Out-of-fashion is IN. 進化論

Dear nomads,

The technology of human being is amazing! things are smaller, faster, stronger, smarter and greater every second.

With the increasing speed of information and tech advancement, they say 1 generation at the moment is 4years! Well, I heard this already more than 4 years ago so it sure got much faster...
In other words, speaking to someone 4years older, is like speaking to your parents in old terms.

People always thought the technology advancement was cool
but seems the feeling started to change recently.
Maybe the Fukushima nuclear plant incident made it clearer.
The advancement does not mean greater improvement.
The advance is made by how technology are used.

"Do more, earn more, cost less" capitalistic thinking is coming to an end.

The balance and harmony rule our activity.
Just like every other life on this planet, the sustainability is core to every human activity even including corporate business. 
For example, don't have to take all the ocean resources by scraping the ocean floor just because you can. Don't have to produce massively just because you want more and end up throwing most of it away because it costs less.

Consider what's necessary.

Be ecologically efficient.

Don't be afraid to cut back. Live less convenient.
Yes, it might sounds bit going back in time and out-of-fashion.
But this is the advanced way of thinking and new now, be proud.

New challenge always requires courage but someone has to start? 
You make it COOL.

Otherwise there will be nothing left for you tomorrow.
And what's a future without anything but you.